ASC members in good standing may attend any ASC Governing Board meeting.
Said member will comply with Robert's Rules of Order (revised), will be an observer, will have no vote, and time will be provided at the end of the meeting for member comments.
The Constitution of the Academy Spouses' Club
January 2023
Article XI Section 4 General Membership Attendance
Duties Of The Governing Board
The ASC Governing Board shall:
a. Ensure that the purpose and objectives of the ASC are met during the transaction of its routine business and activities.
b. Establish policies and procedures for the ASC in accordance with the ASC Constitution and Bylaws and all applicable Air Force Instructions and with consent of the 10 ABW/CC.
c. Approve all expenditures essential for the operation of the ASC and ensure all disbursements are within the purpose for which this ASC was established through an approved budget.
d. Hold office for one year beginning with the installation or appointment and ending with the Board Term year. Officer may hold the same office for no more than two consecutive years. At the end of the second year, Officer may be elected or appointed to another position on the Board. After 1 year in that position, Officer may be elected or appointed to any other position.
The Constitution of the Academy Spouses' Club
January 2023
Article IV - Officers and Governing Body
Section 1 - Governing Board